Be inspired…

This is a space to read, reflect and be inspired…

What we need to teach our children…

The quotation above is from Nelson Mandela – one of the greatest leaders and teachers of all time & certainly of our time. He knew all about the importance of human resilience and modelled it to the rest of us throughout his extraordinary life… There is a trend in today’s

Leadership can be a lonely business

We can often see positive leadership moments around us but rarely, do we talk about the loneliness that accompanies those moments when things aren’t going the way we’d planned. In the last few days, we have been witness, on a global scale, to some of those lonely moments as we watched

Leadership moments happen every day…

Leadership moments happen around us every day… they’re not always big gestures but small moments that can change someone’s life. We have all changed someone’s life — usually without even realizing it. In this short talk, Drew Dudley calls on all of us to celebrate leadership as the everyday act

How great leaders inspire action

Having worked with many leaders over the years, I have developed a passion for authentic leadership and coaching people around their purpose (WHY) in Simon Sinek’s language. The moment when someone realises that they can be vulnerable as a leader and show who they truly are, is so powerful as

What can you get creative about today…?

It’s been a little while since my last blog. Somehow, I have just lacked the energy to come up with something that I wanted to write about & I felt the pressure (self inflicted!)to write something interesting…

Lessons from a teenager…!

I have been thinking all week about ideas for my next post and what direction my blog would go in…

In one of those moments, when I had stopped working my way down the weekend chore list, it popped into my mind and there it was… my inspiration for today’s post.

The Power of Vulnerability

I love the work of Brene Brown on perfectionism, courage, connection and vulnerability. This is the first time her seminal work on vulnerability was presented at TED. One of my favourites… Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares


Sunflowers: “Gifts of radiant warmth, sunflowers are the happiest flowers, & their meanings include loyalty and longevity. They are unique in their ability to provide energy in the form of nourishment and vibrance, an attribute which mirrors the sun and the energy provided by its heat & light.” So why